King James's School

Wider Strategies

Beyond high quality teaching and targeted academic interventions, we can support children and families in other ways



Think for the future (TFTF)Think for the Future | United Kingdom

A structured Behaviour and Resilience Mentoring provision, which is proven to have a measurable impact on engagement in learning.

Highly trained Behaviour and Resilience Mentors work for 2 days per week with targeted groups of students who are struggling to engage in their education.

The Mentors are positive role models for your students and are skilled at building powerful relationships and using our social and emotional curriculum to develop character and emotional resilience that students can use to change their in-school engagement.


Huddersfield Town Foundation Huddersfield Town Foundation (@htafcfoundation) / Twitter

The Premier League Inspires programme is a collaborative pilot project between The Huddersfield Town Foundation and local secondary schools.

The programme seeks to provide opportunities for learning and life skills that help disengaged young people to aspire to reach their potential, regardless of background or ability. Through this programme, they hope to influence positively young people, their choices and future.


The Brilliant Club - scholars programme

The Brilliant Club – Jan 18

The Scholars Programme helps pupils develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to progress to the most competitive universities.

PhD tutors deliver The Scholars Programme in schools across the UK. They share their subject knowledge and passion for learning with small groups of pupils aged 8-18


Food bank

Food bank support for your families during the school holidays