King James's School


 Admission at the Primary Transition Stage

The Governing Body has responsibility for admissions to King James’s School.   

Currently there are officially 210 places in Year 7-9  and 186 in Years 10- 11, (though in agreement with the LA, we have taken up to 210 in Years 10- 11)

This is part of a phased increase until 2027-2028 when the PAN will be officially 210 in each year group.

To apply for a place at King James’s School for September 2025, parents/carers must apply online between 1st September 2024 and 31st October 2024 using the Kirklees Parent Portal. For more information and to apply online visit:


In Year Admissions

The following applies for all year groups.

To apply for a place at King James’s School after the first school day in September, an applicant must contact the school directly.

Please either telephone school on 01484 412990 or e-mail 

KJS Admission Arrangements
Priority Admission Area - King James's School 2024-25 Download/View
Admission Arrangements 2025-26 Download/View
Admission Arrangements 2024-25 Download/View
King James's School Prospectus 2023-24 Download/View